Thankfulness and Growth.

Yah, Yah….this is November’s update, being written 2 days before the month is over. At least it’s being posted on the last day of the month. Small victory. I promised Carly when she took over the website I’d do a blog post EVERY month at the beginning of the month so the website would stay up to date.  I had every intention of writing it on Halloween just so I could fulfill my promise – but then the kids actually WANTED me to go trick or treating with them and at 11 and 14, I feared it might be my last year to be invited so I jumped at the chance.  

I have a hard time labeling November as the month of Thanks.  I mean I know it’s Thanksgiving month, but honestly I am thankful every month, life is busy and I might get rattled, stressed or look like a crazy person most days, but even on those days I am truly thankful for ALL of it. Right now, I am REALLY thankful for my clients who have invited me into their homes and everyone that has encouraged me to continue trucking, even when it seemed too hard to keep going.  I always knew I wanted to own my own business and even though I was still in my senior year of college, I filed the paperwork to begin my business.  Two short years later, I opened my store front and a year and a half later, I found out I was pregnant with twins.  After Carson and Aubrey were born in 2009, I combined businesses with my BFF, Sandra, so that I could stay home with the babies part time.  I did the design thing within the store front, and as it continued to grow – our family grew too. We welcomed Maylee in 2012 and I realized I didn’t want to be tied to a store front with set hours- I wanted to be home with my family.  So, in 2013, we sold the retail side of the store and I moved to my home office with my design business.  I always dreamed- but NEVER thought it would grow to this size – especially working out of my house.  I am currently in an office that is WAY too small for the project load I have and the samples needed, so in the Spring we will begin to build our shop, with a larger office that will allow me to better serve my clients.  This shop will also be paid for in cash that I have been able to save  over the last 5 years because you continue to invite me into your homes and lives. 

I can’t thank you enough for supporting my dream and my family!  Happy November, Friends!

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