Oh man, I’m not sure WHAT I will do when this one is finished – we’re at the finish line and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I mean, I like moving through jobs and doing new things, but I’ve worked with this family for so long, I feel like maybe I should just move in too. 😉
Not to mention lots of years ago we remodeled and recreated this family’s first vacation home. It was comfortable and cozy and dialed in perfectly to their liking. This new build was just too good of an opportunity to pass up BUT leaving their first home was gut wrenching. Once we worked through the grieving, there was excitement to build with dreams of a light and airy home that was perfectly beachy and relaxing, that boasted tons of storage (something their existing house didn’t have), with individual space for 3 kids who were all growing up quickly AND boat storage on site.
We space planned, looked at colors and styles and had everything dialed in precisely and then we waited. And waited. And waited some more. This new build was a PROCESS. Permits, delays, proper flood zone heights, more delays, covid, even more delays, redesigns, contractor changes, SO MANY delays and, HOA requirement changes- you get right? So, with all of the delays (last time I use this word I promise) – there was about 3 years between purchasing the land and building starting. Add in shortage of workers after Covid and a year and a half later we are JUST getting to punch list stage. It wasn’t always easy, there were many frustrating days, but wow. This house is the perfect lakeside relaxation station. And now, we get to do the fun part – FURNITURE and DECOR!
Here’s some final pictures- for now- I’ll update when we get furniture and decor in!
We will start with the kitchen and living room ⬇️

Next the bathrooms- the colors, patterns and the tilework.. 😍😍😍

And last- the coach house- living quarters above the detached garage. I only have a picture of the not yet finished kitchenette and the bathroom, but this living space is just as beautiful as the main living space- maybe I can move in here? 🤣